Sample timetable

13:00 Receipt
13:15 Instruction
13:30 You can go up the tree!
14:30 Pause on the floor with a drink
15:45 Closing

You can take the tree

Imagine a family day where no one looks at their phone unless it's to gather clues for the exciting CSI game! This package is the perfect mix of physical activity and brain-teasing puzzles, all in and around beautiful Garderen.

Your adventure begins in the treetops, where you take on our challenging and safe climbing course as a family. Here it will quickly become clear who is the Tarzan or Jane in the family and who is more of a "look I can do this without screaming" type. After climbing, Garderen turns into your playing field for the CSI game. You become real detectives, together collecting clues and solving riddles to unravel the mystery.

Climbing with the family

This is the ideal way to strengthen family ties, get active, and most importantly, have a lot of laughs. Round up your family, get your sleuthing on, and get ready for a day of adventure and mystery in Garderen. And who knows, maybe you'll discover that Grandma is the best detective of you all!

€34.95 p.p. (incl. VAT)

German English Dutch