Company outing on the Veluwe

Looking for a fun and original company event? It's always difficult to come up with something original that everyone also likes. Therefore, a visit to the climbing forest in the Veluwe is a very good choice. It is for all ages and you have different levels so everyone can enjoy. And you're also outside in a beautiful location in the Veluwe forests. A staff outing in a climbing forest in the Veluwe is thus a company outing that everyone will remember for a long time.

A company outing in Klimbos Garderen is, of course, not complete without a closing dinner or drinks. For this there are many suitable locations in Garderen, such as restaurant the Wildebras across the road or, for example Sunday Hostel. Furthermore, you can also combine the company outing in the climbing forest with another activity, such as quad biking or klootschieten. Klimbos Garderen is located between the towns of Ermelo and Apeldoorn and is also easy to reach from Nunspeet. By the central location in the Netherlands it is easily accessible from every corner of the Netherlands. A company outing naturally consists of a nice location, fun group activity and a nice bite to eat. And at Klimbos Garderen, this combination is possible!

Early bird action
Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09.00, 09.15 or 09.30 and benefit of a nice discount.
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