Group activities in Ermelo

Ermelo may not be a place you quickly think of to do a fun group activity with friends or family. Still, at just under a 10-minute drive from Ermelo, Klimbos Garderen is a very fun group activity in Ermelo. In fact, climbing in the climbing forest is fun for all ages and also for many different group compositions. So you can spend an afternoon climbing with family, colleagues or friends. In addition, the Klimbos Garderen is also the highest climbing forest in the Netherlands. A unique experience.

The Klimbos Garderen is not only easily accessible from Ermelo but also if you have a group activity wants to do in Amersfoort, Nunspeet or Apeldoorn you can do well at Klimbos Garderen. For a group activity in Ermelo, you can also choose to finish with a bite to eat. However, this can also be done very nicely near Klimbos Garderen, for example, you can go to family restaurant the Wildebras across the road. Or you can go to Forest House Three, a beautiful and good restaurant in the middle of the Veluwe forests. So you have a unique group activity near Ermelo and also end the day at a great location.

Book now
Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09.00, 09.15 or 09.30 and benefit of a nice discount.
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