Team outing in Gelderland

A cozy team outing in Gelderland organizing but still a little uninspired? For a sporty and adventurous outing you should choose the climbing forest. Here you climb and clamber to great heights which is fun for all ages. Because of the different levels in courses everyone can participate, which of course makes it extra fun. For a team outing in Gelderland you can go to Klimbos Garderen. This is the highest and safest climbing forest in all of the Netherlands.

Klimbos Garderen is located in Gelderland between the places Ermelo, Amersfoort, Nunspeet and Apeldoorn. The climbing forest is easily accessible from all directions. Furthermore, for a team outing in Gelderland, a climbing forest alone is not enough. A pleasant closing snack and drink are also part of the package. You can do this in one of the many restaurants in Garderen, such as the Wildebras within walking distance and restaurant the Pied Cow a short distance away. A combination of a climbing forest in the Veluwe and a good restaurant will make your team outing a great success!

Early bird action
Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09.00, 09.15 or 09.30 and benefit of a nice discount.
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