Team outing in Ermelo

The Klimbos Garderen is located near Ermelo. For a team outing in Ermelo so a visit to the Klimbos Garderen is a good option. In the climbing forest, you can climb as high as 25 meters through the Veluwe forest. This also makes it the highest climbing forest in the Netherlands, but also the safest. Because of its beautiful location on the Veluwe, it's not only good for a team outing in Ermelo but also for a team outing in Nunspeet, Amersfoort or Apeldoorn.

Besides a fun afternoon of climbing, a nice team outing should also include dinner or drinks. The area around the climbing forest is ideal for this. Of course, you can go to a nice restaurant in Ermelo, but there's also plenty of choice in Garderen. So you can go to wok restaurant Mount Garderen or restaurant the Wildebras, across the street from the Klimbos Garderen. In short, for a team outing in Ermelo a visit to the Klimbos Garderen is the way to go!

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Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09.00, 09.15 or 09.30 and benefit of a nice discount.
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