Organizing a girlfriends outing?

Together with the girlfriends a nice day out? For an adventurous and fun girlfriends outing you can go to Klimbos Garderen. Here you can climb through the Veluwe forest at different heights. There are different courses and therefore different levels. Do you dare to climb up to 25 meters with your girlfriends? Find out with a nice girlfriends outing in the climbing forest.

Klimbos Garderen is not only a fun activity for a girlfriends outing but it is also perfectly located for this. In the middle of the Veluwe and centrally located in the Netherlands is Klimbos Garderen. This makes it easily accessible from the directions Apeldoorn, Nunspeet, Ermelo and Amersfoort. In the vicinity of Klimbos Garderen, you can round off your girlfriends' day out with a drink or dinner. So you can eat at Forest House Three or the Pied Cow, minutes from the climbing forest. In short, for a nice girlfriends outing a visit to Klimbos Garderen is the right option.

Book now
Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09.00, 09.15 or 09.30 and benefit of a nice discount.
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