Team outing in Apeldoorn

A organize team outing in Apeldoorn And looking for something original? Then come to the Veluwe and visit the Klimbos Garderen. In this climbing forest you can climb to a height of no less than 25 meters. A fun and original team outing in the climbing forest is for all ages where everyone quickly becomes enthusiastic. The Klimbos Garderen is easily accessible from Apeldoorn, as it takes about 25 minutes to get there. It's also easy to reach from Ermelo, so you can get to Klimbos Garderen after about 15 minutes' drive.

Just climbing with a team outing is of course not enough, it is nice to combine it with snacks and drinks at a restaurant. There are some good options for this in the Garderen area. Within walking distance of the Veluwe climbing forest, for example, is restaurant the Wildebras, here you can finish a fun afternoon of climbing with a nice dinner. There is also a restaurant Mount Garderen or Sunday Hostel, both fun for a team outing. For an adventurous and original team outing in Apeldoorn Klimbos Garderen is a fun option!

Tip: Do you like Escaping? Then check out our Escape Tour Apeldoorn!

Book now
Are you an early riser?
Then come in the morning climb at 09.00, 09.15 or 09.30 and benefit of a nice discount.
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